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Dear 16 year old....

Hello my beautiful friends!
Its my birthday month, I am 26 years old. I know its silly to be freaking out about my age but that its just the person that I am. Every year close to my birthday I get overly emotional and a bit depressed about turning a year older. How silly is that? I'm a healthy 26 year old who is very blessed in life and I'm thankful to be alive & healthy Grateful for everything I have but it still gets to me & I want to be open about it. It's been 10 years since I was 16 I have grown in so many ways and in others I have stayed the same. I remember getting asked often where I would be in 10 years at the age of 16 and here I am. Could I have done more up to now? maybe. I'm content however with the changes in my life. I thought it would be fun to write to my 16 year old self. Things change and age is just a number but what comes with age is a lot of knowledge and life experiences. I look back at some of my pictures & I want to hug that 16 year old and tell her everything would be okay.

Dear 16 year old Karla.

1. Your hair won't change. You will not wake up one day with straight beautiful hair but it is okay, you will learn to love & embrace your curly hair.

2. Keep eating what you want, there will be a time when you will gain weight by just smelling a donut but that time is not right now so enjoy all your favorite foods. You won't be skinny forever.

3. Enjoy your friends, they are amazing they won't be friends for life, but they are fun for now just enjoy it & don't worry about the small drama or being friends forever. You are not the best at being a friend, but you will get better at it. It will take you a while so in the process you will lose many, not the real ones, they will stay.

4. You wear too much pink & you are way too girly but its okay enjoy it, you will grow out of it but will always enjoy the memories.

5. There's many things you haven't figured out yet, there's no hurry to do so. You won't get it all together in the next 10 years just be who you are or who ever you want to be.

6. That boy that your crying about every night? that boy who you can't stop thinking about. He will be your husband someday, he's not ready now and neither are you but some day you both will be. Take a deep breath your life is not over & and that love story isn't either.

7. Stop trying to please everyone there will always be someone who doesn't' like you and its okay you don't have to be liked by everyone.

8. Appreciate living with your sisters, I know sometimes its hard sharing a room but you will miss seeing your sisters every night. Enjoy the daily sleep overs, enjoy the long talks and doing your hair and nails. Dance in your underwear with your sister & sing you heart out you will forever treasure these moment.

9. Your older sister will forever be  role model. Every advice she gives you its just for your own good, she always means well and she just wants the best for you.

10. Last but not least, Karla in 10 years you will be sitting at your house with great accomplishments & huge failures. You will still be in love with the same boy, and two puppies will own your heart, you will still have too many insecurities and doubt yourself too often. You will have a great life but somehow you will still be confused of who you should be or what you should be doing. You are learning as you go and there is no rush to grow up. So here's to the next 10 years growing & aging well.

Stay young


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